In a time when excess is running rampant in popular music, critically acclaimed alternative rockers Dizzy Box Nine cut an album steeped in minimalism and...
Sarah Parker’s Southern heritage shines through on each of Strawberry Moon’s fourteen songs and numerous years residing north of the Mason-Dixon line has done nothing to...
Buffalo based bassist, songwriter, and singer Robert “Freightrain” Parker has established himself and his band as one of the pre-eminent instrumental outfits working the music...
As the crowd goes wild in the background, guitarist Tristan Clark slides into the funky opening riff of “1972,” one of the more rollicking tracks...
Last week, I talked about how I could not think of a better way to end the year, than having the last show I cover...
2018 is mere hours away from being done. I saw many talented artists throughout the year but none more amazing than Shadow Monster. Having seen...
There are a lot of terms used to explain the talent of a woman like Caroline Ferrante that have been used across the ages. Jack...
Stephen Winston has quietly set about, not by conscious design, building one of the best under-the-radar discographies in the music world today thanks to the...
Shards of metallic might meet soothing slices of melody in heavy rock temptress Lana Blac’s all new single Suck You In. Borrowing only slightly from...
This past Thursday, I made my way to Brooklyn’s Our Wicked Lady for another edition of “Thursdays for the Cause” which happened to feature my...