Inspired by a litany of different artistic substances throughout the pop spectrum, ranging from the seductive sounds of an eastern harmony to a hint of...
Vibrantly fashioned whether found in a strutting song like “Brain” or something a bit more cerebral ala “The Persuadable One,” the beats that Heartour offers...
When a timeless voice sings timeless music, extraordinary things happen. Jeff Coffey, known for his stellar run as vocalist for legendary rock band, Chicago, and...
Marching from the silence with a bittersweet stomp, elegant guitar strings draw us close to a burning melodic flame as the first couple of bars...
The breezy beat of “Every Dog Has Its Day,” the title track of the new record from indie country crew Flat River Band, comes slicing...
The album cover alone reflects Jeremy Rice’s unique musical and artistic sensibilities. His latest release bears a cover resembling a promotional poster for a 1970’s...
An angsty strut of guitar twang wanders into focus in “Painted Lady” with a bit more of an oomph than it does in “Keep Your...
All instruments have a unique way of speaking to us, but there are few in the American folk lexicon that are as evocative and thoroughly...
Yours Truly, Me…, the sensational new album from bluesman Alex Lopez, rocks and rolls with a heartfelt swing in “Take Me Back Home (Redux),” offers...
Amidst stunning piano keys that are suffocated by a blanket of bass tones, Llexa finds a place to unleash her soft serenade in Kali’s remix...